Author: Fabrizia Bemer
Committee: Game Committee
Date: 29/01/2024

The chair of the Vr game Committee of the Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet of the University of Bicocca of Milan, Dott.ssa Fabrizia Bemer, suggests the following interesting documents, published in the “European Law Blog” of the month of January
The author, Mr Nicholas Franssen, Counsellor at the Ministry of Justice and Security of the Netherlands,  comments on the first case on EPPO – Case 281/22 G.K. e.a. (parquet europeén) and after examining the case and the conclusion of the European Advocate General gives the reader new ideas on how the EPPO should go further in order to consolidate its cooperation  and eventually avoid new appeals.
We really thank Mr. Nicholas Franssen for having given his permission to post his document.
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