Author: Patricia Strungaru
Committee: Game Committee
Date: 10/04/2024

The European Public Prosecutor’s Office is a new and pioneering entity within the European Union, created to enhance the combat against crimes impacting the EU’s financial interests. Officially launched in June 2021, EPPO represents a significant step towards a more integrated and harmonized judicial cooperation; it is responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes such as fraud, corruption, money laundering, and other criminal activities involving EU budget. The University of Milano- Bicocca within the Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet module, has launched a new way of presenting the activity of EPPO through Virtual Reality. Professor Benedetta Ubertazzi, chair of this course and Associate Professor of the course European Union Law, introduced it during the Closing Conference, which took place on April 17th 2024. During the second part of the conference, with the significant contribution of Dr. Fabrizia Bemer and five Law students, a first game developed by Mibtec (Mind and Behavior Technological Center), was simulated in class with the participation of students of PCTO, students of the University and students of the Academy of Guardia di Finanza, while some others had the experience at the Mibtec Laboratory.

The aim of this VR game was to simulate the approach of authorities to actual cases. After a rapid introduction to the real case, the participants were divided into small groups and involved in the dramatization of the case. The case at issue was inspired by a real fraud case that occurred in Palermo, where the Delegated European Prosecutor requested a freezing order of 226,000 euros against three farmers, suspected of misappropriation of EU agricultural funds and forgery of documents. The order was issued by the Preliminary Investigation Judge of the Tribunal of Barcelona, then executed by the Law Enforcement Agency of the Food Protection Unit of Messina.  This simulation gave the possibility to attendees to simulate the actions of both state and non-state authorities involved in the activities of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Given the extremely positive feedback from attendees after the VR experience, it would be beneficial to enhance all future learning sessions with similar activities.

Virtual reality games play a crucial role in modern education by offering immersive and interactive learning experiences. They allow learners to engage with content in a way that traditional methods cannot replicate, fostering deeper understanding and retention of complex concepts.

Through VR technology, it is possible to learn and get engaged in this intricate procedure, thereby combining enjoyment with education. Nowadays, such activities are prevailing and replacing the purely outdated theoretical approach. This technology not only enhances motivation and engagement, but also accommodates various learning styles, making it particularly effective for hands-on or visual learners. Overall, the integration of VR games in learning environments represents a transformative approach that revolutionizes traditional teaching methods, offering unparalleled opportunities for experiential learning and skill development.

In conclusion, the introduction of the Virtual Reality games in educational settings, as demonstrated by the University of Milano-Bicocca’s innovative presentation of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office’s activities, marks a significant advancement in modern education. This approach not only enhances engagement and motivation but also caters to various learning styles.

I wholeheartedly agree with this innovative approach, since it makes studying more enjoyable and stimulating. In addition, this provides the chance to put into practice what has been studied.

Work Cited

  • Italy: EPPO seizes assets in investigation into farmers suspected of misappropriation of funds | European Public Prosecutor’s Office”
  • Steppo-eulaw: Home, 22 March 2024,


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