Steppo Blog
Articles and the updatePersonal Protective Equipment case review
05/09/2022 Dott.ssa Alessandra Stofella Dr. Pietro Suchan 1.Introduction In a recent investigation by the Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria of the Guardia di Finanzia of Ravenna, coordinated by the Bologna Branch of the European Public Prosecutor's Office,...
The importance of the EPPO for criminal lawyers
Hundreds of criminal investigations were initiated, damages to the European Union budget of € 5.3 billion (for more than one-third referable to criminal proceedings under the Italian jurisdiction). The detection of the strong involvement of organised crime in...
Insights from the Law Enforcement Agencies Subcommittee
During this summer the main activity of the Law Enforcement Agencies Subcommittee led by Nicola Iorio was focused on studying how police forces are responding to the creation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, including press releases on completed operations....
Interview with Dr. Calogero Ferrara former Antimafia and Antiterrorism public prosecutor in Palermo
Dott. Ferrara, former Antimafia and Antiterrorism public prosecutor in Palermo and now one of the two appointed European Delegated Prosecutors in Sicily, welcomed us in his office to discuss about the activities conducted so far and the challenges ahead. How has the...
Criminal confiscation and Customs accounting
A recent contribution of the Manager Michele Petito of the Italian Customs and Monopoly Agency on Criminal Confiscation highlighted how art. 22 of the Legislative Decree no. 472/1997 would in principle make it possible to preserve the entire assets of the companies...
Interview with Dr. Pasquale Profiti European Delegated Prosecutor of the EPPO in Italy
During the interview conducted in Bologna on 6 July 2022, Dr. Profiti (European Delegated Prosecutor of the EPPO in Italy) expressed his point of view on the recent establishment of the EPPO and on his experience gained over the past years. How has the establishment...
National Institutions Subcommitee: activities for july 2022
A presentation concerning the issues of European and Italian customs regulations was kindly given by the expert from the Italian Customs and Monopoly Agency (ADM) Michele Petito. The lecture was divided into three main parts. Download: Here First of all, it was...
The success of University Milano Bicocca’s first Jean-Monnet Module
This Jean Monnet Module on the EPPO, was an initiative accredited by the Milan Bar Association and by the National Bar Council thanks to Benedetta Ubertazzi as Aggregate Professor of EU Law, Milano-Bicocca School of Law, who chaired all the lectures and coordinated...