Feb 2, 2024 | Create Subcommittee
Author: Iman Khodri – Chair of the Create Committee Committee: Create Committee Date: 02/02/2024 On October 10, 2023, my colleague Ms. Veronica Carbone and I, Iman Khodri, gave a lecture at the EU law class at University Milano Bicocca in front of around 190 students...
Gen 15, 2024 | Create Subcommittee
Author: Alessio Vergnano Committee: Create Committee Date: 15/01/2024 Il 18 dicembre 2023, si è svolto il primo dibattito organizzato da Steppo, Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnett, tra i Chairs di due Comitati. La discussione ha coinvolto Fabrizia Bemer, Chair del Game...
Nov 12, 2023 | Create Subcommittee
Survey on the upcoming debates As per our last steering committee meeting we would love to have your feedback on the type of debate you would like to lead https://forms.gle/4ziUBDzkQeDToinE6
Ott 31, 2023 | Create Subcommittee, Media Subcommitee
Author: Iman Khodri Committee: Create Committee Date: 31/10/2023 Il 18 ottobre 2023 si è svolto in Lussemburgo un evento significativo in quanto il Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet EPPO- A New Frontier in Integration (EPPONFI), noto anche come STEPPO, dell’Università...
Giu 12, 2023 | Create Subcommittee
Author: Veronica Carbone – Law student Milano-Bicocca University Subcommittee: Create Date: 12/06/2023 This week, the University of Milan-Bicocca with its successful Jean Monnet Module “EPPO: a step forward in integration” (STEPPO) had the honour of...
Giu 8, 2023 | Create Subcommittee
Author: Estella Gambara & Iman Khodri Create subcommittee Milan, 08/06/2023 This Jean Monnet module on the EPPO was an initiative accredited by the Milan Bar Association and by the National Bar Council thanks to Benedetta Ubertazzi, Associate Professor of EU Law,...