Roberto Saviano at closing conference: Eppo and the rule of law

Roberto Saviano at closing conference: Eppo and the rule of law

EPPO-Jean Monnet Module è un corso di eccellenza di Diritto dell’Unione Europea dell’ Universitá Milano-Bicocca, finanziato dalla Commissione europea. CLOSING CONFERENCE: EPPO and THE RULE OF LAW L’incontro conclusivo, in data 18 aprile 2023 (guarda il programma della...
Updates from EPPO

Updates from EPPO

COOPERATION IN CRIMINAL MATTERS BETWEEN THE EPPO AND POLAND IS NOW FUNCTIONAL On 27 December 2022, amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Poland came into force, which allow the Polish authorities to cooperate in criminal matters with the EPPO, on the basis of...