Networking activities
Collaborate Committee
This subcommittee is in charge of maintaining relations with existing partners and creating new opportunities for collaboration so that more expertise, perspectives, and resources can be made available to improve the operational modalities of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.
Lorenzo Salazar
Deputy Prosecutor General to the Court of Appeal of Naples (Sostituto Procuratore Generale presso la Corte d’Appello di Napoli)

The oath of the newly appointed European Prosecutors before the Court of Justice of the EU
Author: Lorenzo Salazar, Federica Gentilini Committee: Collaborate Committee Date: 08/12/2023 The oath of the newly appointed European Prosecutors before the Court of Justice of the EU: On the 30th of November 2023, the eight newly appointed European Prosecutors took...

Renewal of the EU Public Prosecutor’s Office
Author: Lorenzo Salazar. Federica Gentilini Committee: Collaborate Committee Date: 17/10/2023 Renewal of the EU Public Prosecutor’s Office: On...

Issue 1/2023 of the EUcrim journal is now available!
Author: Antony Zhilkin Subcommittee: Collaborate Date: 16/08/2023 We are delighted to inform our followers that the new issue of the EUcrim journal mentioning the STEPPO project is now available. Thanks to the chair of the Collaborate Subcommittee Lorenzo Salazar, the...

EPPO: finalising the selection of new European Prosecutors
The EPPO’s Panel established under art. 14 of the EPPO Regulation has already sent to the Council of the European Union the ranking for five countries (Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Austria and Italy) over eight in order to cover the positions of the eight outgoing...