Networking activities
Connect Subcommittee
This subcommittee is in charge of disseminating the most significant doctrinal and jurisprudential contributions on EPPO and publicising the events with well-known guests on the most popular social media platforms and channels, including Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook.
Carlotta Eleni Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University
Dimitri Eleni Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University
Nidhi Mehra
Beatrice Pellegrino
Wisal Tayebi

A new collaboration has begun between the STEPPO and the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)!
Author: Antony Zhilkin Vice-President Steering Committee On the 26th of April 2023, thanks to Lorenzo Salazar (Chair of the Collaborate Subcommittee, Deputy Prosecutor General to the Court of Appeal of Naples), an electronic bridge was set up between Milan and...

Milan-Bicocca University’s Law students are ready for new challenges with the EPPO
Giulia Varisco Editor in chief - Steppo Editorial board Sofia Mazza Communication and marketing manager -Steppo Editorial board The second cycle of lectures of the EPPO-Jean Monnet Module course is currently taking place at the Bicocca Department of Law, the...

The full video of the closing conference: EPPO and THE RULE OF LAW 18/04/23
The EPPO-Jean Monnet Module ended with numerous protagonists. For the details of the participants on 18/04/2023 download the program here. We have made available the complete video of the conference.

Procura europea e lotta alla criminalità organizzata. La lezione di Roberto Saviano all’Università di Milano-Bicocca
Roberto Saviano in cattedra all’Università di Milano-Bicocca. Per parlare di lotta alla corruzione e alla criminalità organizzata in ambito europeo. Lo scrittore, saggista e giornalista, che nei suoi scritti, articoli e libri – a partire dal romanzo d’esordio...

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