Editorial board

Editorial board – Who we are

The editorial board and the editorial staff itself are responsible for enhancing steppo-eulaw.com in accordance with its institutional aims, through the blog space on the site.

The editorial board contributes to the pursuit of the project’s institutional aims by planning and developing editorial strategies aimed at enhancing its values and promoting the use of the blog as a vehicle for sharing scientific and regulatory content.

The Editorial Board is responsible for the following duties:

  1. collecting and examining authors’ contributions received for publication;
  2. defining editorial guidelines;
  3. preparing editorial plans and defining their layout;
  4. managing article formats for dissemination on social channels;
  5. researching and examining every contribution received by the editorial board.

Composition of the editorial board

Coordinator: Benedetta Carla Maria Angela Ubertazzi
Associate Professor of European Union Law at the University of Milan Bicocca and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet module.
Email: benedetta.ubertazzi@unimib.it
Chair – Director: Antonio Fortarezza
President of the Anti-Money Laundering Commission of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Milan.
Email: fortarezza@studiofa.it
Vice Chair – Editor in chief:
Giulia Varisco
Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University.
Email: g.varisco1@campus.unimib.it
Communication and marketing manager:
Sofia Mazza
Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University.
Email: s.mazza18@campus.unimib.it

Carlotta Eleni
Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University.
Dimitri Eleni
Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University.
Antony Zhilkin
Master’s degree in law
Cesare Montagna
Anti Money Laundering Senior Learning Advisor Compliance Specialist
Federica Gentilini
Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University.
Alessia Redaelli
New Media Communications student at Università degli Studi of Milano
Alessandra Parisi
Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University
Wisal Tayebi
Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University
Beatrice Pellegrino
Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University

Data base case law:

Data base case law Area managers: Antony Zhilkin
Master’s degree in law
Cesare Montagna
Anti Money Laundering Senior Learning Advisor Compliance Specialist


This section deals with the drafting of the articles that will be published weekly in the newsletter of our website, in order to keep all interested parties updated on news relating to the operations of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.


Paolo Maiolino
Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University.
Alessio Vergnano
Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University.



Roberto Saviano at closing conference: Eppo and the rule of law

Roberto Saviano at closing conference: Eppo and the rule of law

EPPO-Jean Monnet Module è un corso di eccellenza di Diritto dell’Unione Europea dell’ Universitá Milano-Bicocca, finanziato dalla Commissione europea. CLOSING CONFERENCE: EPPO and THE RULE OF LAW L’incontro conclusivo, in data 18 aprile 2023 (guarda il programma della...

Updates from EPPO

Updates from EPPO

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.