Networking activities

Game Subcommittee

This subcommittee focuses on improving access to EPPO regulation and principles through the development of the VR game.

It uses virtual reality technology to examine problematic situations that the prosecutor often has to deal with, to visualise the perspective of those involved in the investigation, and ultimately to lead to the prosecution, to verify the merits of the charge formulated by the prosecuting DPE.

The player can choose any actor involved in the prosecution of the EPPO, which makes this game interesting because it can also be proposed as training for magistrates, lawyers, and judicial police.


Fabrizia Bemer
Senior Manager of the Office for International Judicial Cooperation, and a senior trainer in EPO training courses for projects co-funded by the European Commission

Veronica Carbone
Law student Milano-Bicocca University


Rosario Ammendolia
Marialucia Faggiano
Estella Gambara
Iman Khodri
Paolo Maiolino
Alessio Vergnano
Angelo Salimbeni
Dumitru Robert
Nicholas Franssen


Role play con la realtà virtuale

Role play con la realtà virtuale

Author: Fabrizia Bemer Commitee: Virtual Reality Game Date: 30/04/2024 In data 17 aprile 2024 si è tenuta presso l’aula magna dell’università Milano-Bicocca la conferenza finale del Centro d’eccellenza Steppo: a step forward in integration (guarda le immagini qui). A...

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.