Networking activities
High School Committee
The subcommittee deals with educating on legality, disseminating the values of the European Union, and the importance of the new European Public Prosecutor’s Office in the fight against financial crime, as a first approach to law for adolescents in high schools.
The aim is to bring high schools closer to the EPPO, and this year, it was made possible through the PCTO project. This cross-curricular orientation program allows high school students to participate in 15 EPPO course lectures for a total of 30 hours, three of which are in-person, and the others online in synchronous or asynchronous mode, depending on the participants’ commitments.
In the year 2022/2023, the initiative was very successful, with more than 25 schools and a total of 200 students involved.
Alessandro Fumagalli
Civil lawyer and former headmaster of several middle and high schools
Antonella Iannascoli
Mathematics and physics teacher at the Liceo Classico Cesare Beccaria in Milan
Michele Monopoli
Former Dean of Beccaria High School Milan
Veronica Carone
Studentessa di giurisprudenza presso l’Università Milano-Bicocca
Alessandro Colombo
Egle Concina
Samuele di Martino
Arianna Duz
Beatrice Quaglia
Samantha Nicole De Guzman
Maria Chiara Cappelli
Adele Minichiello
Sonia M’gayedi
Nicolò Eleni
Angelo Salimbeni
Miriam Testa
Chiara Casano
Elisa Colombo
Giulia Pagani

The power and applications of virtual reality in the real world
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