Networking activities
Law Enforcement Agencies Committee
Il comitato si occupa di mantenere costantemente il contatto con le forze di polizia, di migliorare le tecniche investigative ed estendere la partecipazione ad altri Stati membri.
Flavia Ndriollari
Capitano della Guardia di Finanza del nucleo PEF di Milano
Gianluca di Biasi – Tenente della Guardia di Finanza.
Andrea Sarra Fiore – Capitano del comando di Guardia di Finanza della compagnia di Chioggia
Erica Bongiorno
Salvatore Della Ragione
Teresa Scialla
Luigi Vinciguerra
Lukas Kuhl
Pietro Frisone
Pierangelo Seri
Francesca Zucca
Leonardo Petrozzi
Roberto Lupo
Paola D’Orletta
Ines Kikuchi
Francesco Vitali
Ferdinando Sorbilli

EPPO and the banking supervisory authorities: ideas for a possible collaboration
Author: Giulia Anzidei Law Enforcement Agencies Subcommittee Date: 21/06/2023 Translator: Sonia M'gayedi The degree thesis "The European Public Prosecutor's Office and the Banking Supervisory Authorities: the potential channels of interaction", as it is possible to...

Why EPPO is a real “game-changer” for cross-border financial investigations within European Union
Author: Flavia Ndriollari (GDF), Giulia Anzidei (GDF) Subcommittee: Law Enforcement Agencies Date: 29/05/2023 Recently, Guardia di Finanza concluded an important and complex investigation which made it possible to recover over 13 million euros deriving from VAT...

Insights from the Law Enforcement Agencies Subcommittee
During this summer the main activity of the Law Enforcement Agencies Subcommittee led by Nicola Iorio was focused on studying how police forces are responding to the creation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, including press releases on completed operations....

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