Networking activities
Media Committee
This committee is responsible for investigating the relationship between the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and the traditional media, as well as analyzing the reasons why traditional media are usually reluctant to divulge information on such enhanced cooperation.
Furthermore, the committee analyzes with a critical eye specific crimes that damage the EU’s financial interests, UE self-laundering. The aim is to encourage the formulation of proposals and suggestions aimed at countering elusive criminal phenomena, such as mafia-type criminal organizations.
Roberto Saviano
Journalist, writer and screenwriter
Vice Chair
Sofia Mazza
Law student at the Milano-Bicocca University
The members of the committee are continuously updated following the accessions.
As of 08/04/2024 the registered members are n. 328
Newsletter EPPONFI Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Interactive NEWSLETTER Saturday 14/10/2023 Download Newsletter
Newsletter EPPONFI Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Interactive NEWSLETTER Saturday 07/10/2023 Download Newsletter
Newsletter EPPONFI Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Interactive NEWSLETTER Monday 02 / 10/ 2023 Download...
La nuova terra dei fuochi: frontiera comunitaria del progetto Steppo, in collaborazione con Roberto Saviano
Author: Sofia Mazza – Law student Milano-Bicocca University Communication and marketing manager – Steppo EULaw Editorial board Date: 19/09/2023 Nell’ambito delle attività sviluppate dal progetto Steppo (acronimo di “A step forward in integration”), unico “Think Tank...
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