Networking activities
Prosecutors Subcommittee
This subcommittee is in charge of disseminating the values of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office to prosecutors so that the cooperation of Member States’ prosecutors in EPPO’s activities is consolidated and increased.
The aim is to demonstrate the extreme investigative potential and efficiency of EPPO through informative and operational cooperation between the various EDPs of the Member States and the permanent chambers of the EU.
Prosecutor Pietro Suchan
Professor of ‘Legislation for the Protection of Economy and Security’ at the Guardia di Finanza Academy and former assistant magistrate in the Italian representation – Eurojust.
Francesca Benedetta Migliore
Barbara Benzi
Konrad Wietrzynski
Francesco Vitale

Personal Protective Equipment case review
05/09/2022 Dott.ssa Alessandra Stofella Dr. Pietro Suchan 1.Introduction In a recent investigation by the Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria of the Guardia di Finanzia of Ravenna, coordinated by the Bologna Branch of the European Public Prosecutor's Office,...

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