The Eppo and the Law
A step forward in integrationThird cycle of the module 2024 The Eppo and the Law
Here you will find all the information about our third THE EPPO AND THE LAW module, 2024 edition.
- Supported by the European Parliament
- Accredited by the Milan Bar Association and by the NationalBar Council.
- Accredited by chartered accountants.
- Inserted in high school students activities within the context of PCTO and the NRRP (National Recovery and Resilience Plan).
The PCTO project (commonly known as school-work alternance) is an educational method designed to allow high school students to combine the mostly theoretical scholastic education with a practical work experience within a private or public entity. PCTO implies periods of professional formation in enterprises or other activities that may strengthen the students’ integration into the labour market (i.e. orientation days, meetings with companies and professionals, internships, research, project work etc.). The alternance has been made mandatory since 2015.
Topics of Third cycle of the module 2024
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Adesione della Svezia all’EPPO: prospettive per una maggiore coesione europea
Author: Wisal Tayebi Committee: Academic Committee Date: 26/07/2024 Il 16 luglio 2024 la Commissione Europea con la decisione 2024/1952 ha confermato la partecipazione della Svezia alla Procura Europea (EPPO: European Public Prosecutor's Office), come precedentemente...

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Commento alla Sentenza del 10 luglio 2024 del Tribunale dell’Unione Europea
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Commentary on the Judgment of 10 July 2024 of the Tribunal of the European Union
Author: Matteo Ianni Committee: Academic Committee Date: 21/07/2024 In a very recent judgment of the General Court of the European Union of 10 July 2024, the Union's judicial body ruled on the appeal brought against the decision of the European Public Prosecutor to...

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.